Francesca Ajossa (1999) studied organ and organ-composition with Angelo Castaldo at the “Palestrina” Conservatory in Cagliari (IT), where she obtained her bachelor diploma in 2018. Following her bachelor studies, Francesca studied with Ben van Oosten at the conservatory of Rotterdam (NL), where she graduated cum-laude for the Master of Music in 2020. From 2020-2022 she was Organ Scholar of the church St. Peter und Paul Ratingen (GER). In 2021, Francesca concluded a master in Music Psychology at the University of York (UK). In 2023 successfully completed her master studies ”Claviorganum” at the Hochschule für Music und Theater in Hamburg (GER). There, Francesca studied with Menno van Delft (harpsichord), Pieter Van Dijk (organ) and Isolde Kittel-Zerer (basso continuo). She took masterclasses with musicians such as G. Bovet, L. Lohmann, H. Deutsch, D. Zaretsky, J.Palur, L. van Doeselaar, C. Mantoux and O. Latry and participated in numerous academies, amongst which the “International Bach Academy” held by prof. Jacques van Oortmerssen, the “Young Talents Class” and the ”Excellence Class” at the Haarlem Organ Festival. Francesca performs regularly at music festivals throughout Europe, with her repertoire ranging from Early Music to first performances of newly composed works. She won two 2nd prizes at international organ competitions and recorded three CDs. Francesca is currently a PhD candidate at the KU Leuven (BE), main organist of the Church in ‘t Woudt (NL) as well as artist in residence of the Contius Foundation, on whose behalf she promotes the Contius-organ of the St.Michielskerk in Leuven (BE).

Francesca Ajossa (1999) ha iniziato giovanissima gli studi musicali sotto la guida del M° Fabrizio Marchionni. Nel 2010 è entrata a far parte della classe del M° Angelo Castaldo al Conservatorio di Cagliari, dove ha conseguito il Diploma di Vecchio Ordinamento nel Luglio 2018. Dopo un periodo come studentessa Erasmus presso la classe di Ben van Oosten al Conservatorio di Rotterdam, nel 2020 Francesca ha ottenuto il diploma di Master of Music “cum laude”. Dal 2020 al 2022, è stata Organ Scholar presso la chiesa di St. Peter un Paul a Ratingen (Germania). Nel 2021, Francesca ha completato il Master in Psicologia Musicale presso l’Università di York (Inghilterra). A seguire, nel 2023, ha completato il Master “Claviorganum” presso la Hochschule für Music und Theater ad Amburgo (Germania), dove ha studiato con Menno van Delft (clavicembalo), Pieter van Dijk (organo) e Isolde Kittle-Zerer (basso continuo). Francesca si esibisce regolarmente in tutta europa, con un repertorio che spazia dalla musica antica a diverse prime esecuzioni assolute. Ha vinto duo secondi premi a concorsi internazionali e registrato tre CD. Francesca è attualmente dottoranda presso l’Università Cattolica di Lovanio (Belgio) e l’Orpheus Instituut a Ghent. È organista titolare presso la chiesa di ‘t Woudt (Olanda) e, dal 2023, artist in residence presso la Contius Foundation, con il compito di promuovere l’organo Contius della St. Michielskerk di Lovanio.
Francesca Ajossa (1999) studeerde orgel en orgelcompositie bij Angelo Castaldo aan het “Palestrina Conservatorium” in haar geboorteplaats Cagliari (IT) waar zij in 2018 haar bachelor “cum laude” afrondde, de hoogst mogelijke onderscheiding. Na een periode als Erasmus-student bij Ben van Oosten aan het Rotterdams Conservatorium, behaalde Francesca bij dezelfde docent in 2020 “cum laude” haar master of music. Van 2020-2022 was Francesca Organ Scholar in St. Peter und Paul Ratingen (DE). In 2021 rondde Francesca een master muziekpsychologie aan de Universiteit van York (UK) af. In 2023 sloot Francesca de masterstudie Claviorganum aan de Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg (DE) af met de hoogst mogelijke onderscheiding. Francesca studeerde in Hamburg bij Menno van Delft (klavecimbel), Pieter van Dijk (orgel) en Isolde Kittel-Zerer (basso continuo). Francesca concerteert regelmatig op festivals in heel Europa, met repertoire dat varieert van “Oude Muziek” tot de première van nieuwe composities. Zij won twee tweede prijzen bij internationale orgelconcoursen en nam drie Cd’s op. Francesca is momenteel promovendus aan de KU Leuven en het Oprheus Instituut in Gent waar zij onderzoek doet naar muziek en beweging. Ze is hoofdorganist van de Kerk in ‘t Woudt (NL) en sinds 2023 artist in residence van de Contius Foundation namens wie zij het Contiusorgel in de St. Michielskerk te Leuven bespeelt en promoot.